I’ve Never Done yoga, Is It appropriate for me?

Absolutely! Yoga is a practice that is available to everyone. It doesn’t matter what your experience or fitness level, your shape, size, gender or your age, you can do yoga.

It’s common to be concerned that everyone else in the class will be better than you and that you are going to be the worse one ever to do yoga. But this just isn’t so. Everyone is there to learn, grow, and to feel better. Everyone practices at their own pace and everyone has their own challenges and things they are working on.

All of my classes are appropriate for all levels including seniors and beginners. Actually they are ESPECIALLY good for seniors and beginners. The classes are gentle and go at a slow pace. The slower pace not only gives you a chance to breath and follow along but it also gives me the opportunity to offer modifications and teach you how to do the postures while guiding you through the class. When we move slowly, you have time to really feel the postures in your body, to be present and aware to what feels good and to what doesn’t and gives you the space to make adjustments as needed.

I actually love teaching to students that are trying yoga for the very first time. I consider it an honor and a privilege to introduce you to this practice and I will do everything possible to be sure you feel comfortable.

Will I be able to do the classes?

Yoga is a practice that can be done by everyone. It doesn’t matter what your experience or fitness level, your shape, size, gender or your age, you can do yoga. Every posture has a variety of modifications that can be practiced based on what you need for your own body. In my classes, I offer modifications and encourage the use of props when necessary to help make yoga accessible to everyone…even you!

It does require an open mind and heart, a little patience and light-heartedness. But where there is a will there is a way. And it doesn’t have to be hard.

I had a new students tell me once, “I thought this was going to be really hard and instead it was really relaxing!”

I will work with you to find the right class and the right modifications for you.

When and where are the classes?


Most of my weekly classes are offered on the campus of the Port Orange Presbyterian Church located at 4662 S. Clyde Morris Blvd. These classes are offered online via zoom as well.

If you’ve never taken a yoga online class before I encourage you to watch this video. And if you’ve never used zoom before, click here for instructions on how to use zoom.

I do my best to make it easy for you. So if all else fails, feel free to reach out to me directly.

I also teach regularly at the L.A. Fitness gym located at 1810 Dunlawton Ave. in Port Orange.

Currently, my Beach Yoga classes are held at Winter Haven Park in Ponce Inlet at 4589 South Atlantic Avenue which is 3 miles south of Dunlawton on A1A.

The meeting location of the YogaWalks™ varies so check the specific event for meeting location.

I also travel to do workshops at other studios and locations throughout Florida and offer several retreats a year often outside the state or even the country.

What do I need to bring?  

I have a supply of mats and props that you can borrow when you come to practice with me. So if you don’t know what to get or forget your own supplies, I have them available for you.

However, if you come regularly I encourage you to bring your own yoga mat (it’s way more sanitary as well). I encourage the use of yoga blocks which can be purchased almost anywhere for less than $15. A yoga strap is also helpful but not necessary. And I recommend a large beach towel because it can come in handy for lots of different purposes.

It’s nice to bring your own water and anything else that will help you to feel more comfortable during your practice like a pillow or hand towel.

If you’re practicing at home, you’ll want the same supplies as above. And you’ll want to make sure you have an unobstructed place to practice. You don’t need a lot of space but you do want to be sure you aren’t hitting objects around you as you flow through the postures.

Pets are welcome and fun to have with you during practice. Just always be mindful that they aren’t under your feet to prevent from tripping or falling.

For Chair Yoga, it’s important that you have a chair with no wheels and if possible no sides or arm rests. And you’ll want to place the chair on a yoga mat or other surface that will prevent the chair from slipping. Test it out first to be sure you can practice safely at home.

What should I wear?

You do not have to invest in fancy, expensive yoga clothes to do yoga (sorry Lululemon). Any comfortable clothing will do. The trick is that the clothes are snug enough that they don’t fall off as you move around (i.e if you do a forward fold you don’t want a big baggie t-shirt falling over your head). But not so tight that it restricts your movement. Best to leave the buttons and buckles at home and stick with elastic waist bands. Yoga pants, leggings, sweat pants, even shorts (best if they have a lining) are all great options. Tank tops and t-shirts are perfect as long as they are not too baggy.

Yoga is traditionally done in bare feet. Socks can be slippery and create instability. If you are uncomfortable being in bare feet for any reason, there are products on the market that cover your feet and at the same time provide a griping surface. I encourage you to try yoga at least once in bare feet and then make changes as you choose.

I strongly encourage having layers of clothing because in yoga we do a combination of movement and stillness. The body temperature tends to drop when we are still and rise when we move. So having a light shirt or sweatshirt, scarf or towel to put on and remove throughout the class can help you to be more comfortable and benefit more from all the aspects of the class.

Will yoga work for me?  

Yoga is an ancient practice that is intended to offer health and wellness of not only the physical body but also the mental, emotional and spiritual body. It doesn’t matter what the reason is that is motivating you to consider yoga (injury, stress, unworthiness) all of the benefits are possible. It combines breath, movement and stillness and for this reason has something for everybody. This is a practice that can absolutely work for you. But the only way to know for sure is to actually give it a try.

Come to a class today!