Assisted Hamstring Stretch for Back Pain Relief

Try this hamstring stretch with the assistance of the wall. It take very little effort once in the stretch. With the assistance you can stay there for a while and really allow the muscles to lengthen and open.

This is a hamstring stretch that uses the wall to assist you in the pose. It takes no effort from you whatsoever except getting into the pose. That is truly the most challenging part of the pose. And because it stretch the hamstring there’s a direct correlation to improving stiffness and pain in your back.

Find a door jam in your house that has enough space around it to get to the floor. And that has no furniture on the wall extending from the door jam.

Put one leg up in the door jam and lie down on your back. Then extend the other leg to the floor so it’s resting on the floor. Let your head relax on the floor. Feel free to use a pillow or cushion under your head to support your neck.

If the knee of the leg that’s up on the door jam bends slightly, that’s totally fine. Just keep it as straight as you can and still be comfortable.

Take a few deep breaths and feel the length throughout the back of your leg. Try to keep the tailbone on the floor. That’s more important than keeping the leg straight.

Continue to breathe as you stay in this stretch as long as it’s comfortable. One of the big benefits of an assisted stretch is that you can stay here for longer than you could on your own.

Be sure to do both sides and when you are complete, be very mindful getting up off the floor.

This posture has a lot of the relaxing benefit of leg on the wall but focuses on stretching the hamstring.