How to Practice Chair Yoga to Build Strength

Use body awareness that comes with the practice of yoga to build strength while standing up and sitting down in a chair. You'll strengthen your body awareness and also the muscles of your legs. Be intentional in this functional movement that you do every day.

Since you already have to stand up and sit down numerous times throughout your day, use this movement you're already doing to deepen and strengthen your body awareness.

Sit at the front edge of the chair and hinge at the hips putting your weight into your feet. Press down into the floor to slowly rise up to standing.

While doing so, bring awareness to the arches of your feet to keep them from dropping down to the floor. Bring awareness to your ankles to keep them right above your heels. Bring awareness to your knees to keep them from moving towards one another.

Keep your feet, ankles and knees parallel as you press down into the earth and rise all the way up to standing. Once standing, feel the energy rising up through the top of your head to help you grow tall at the top.

When you sit down, again, hinge at your hips and keep your spine straight. Slowly lower down to the chair until you’re seated. Keep the movement slow and controlled. Once again, mindful of the placement of your arches, ankles and knees.

Practice doing this at home several times to build strength and body awareness.

Practice when your at a restaurant or at the dining room table or getting up from the couch. Every time you stand up and sit down is an opportunity to practice body awareness and build strength.