Pigeon Pose for Opening the Hips

Pigeon Pose (aka Kapotasana) is a great posture for opening the hips. This video provides some pointers for doing pigeon pose properly so you can feel good and receive the benefits of the posture.

Pigeon pose is a wonderful pose to open the hips when done correctly. But it can be challenging for a lot of people.

In other videos of the Mindful Monday Series, I’ll share some variations of pigeon pose.

But in this video, I want to share it with you in its traditional form.

A great way to get into pigeon pose is from the hands and knees although you can also get into it from Downward Facing Dog as well.

Draw one knee forward and extend the other leg back. Bring particular awareness to the front knee. Place the front knee out to the side towards the outer edge of your mat. In order to receive the intended hip opening benefits, you want that knee out to the side as much as you can as opposed to pointing forward.

Bring awareness to the back foot placing the top of your foot to the floor and keep the foot straight. Avoid the ankle rolling out or in.

With the upper body, you can lift up through the chest sending energy through the crown of your head. Or you could lower down to the elbows. You could use blocks under the arms or a bolster under your chest. You could even lower all the way down to the chest with the arms extended.

Explore different variations until you feel good in the pose. Stay there for a few breaths allowing the pelvis to soften to the floor and the hips to gradually open. You can even create gentle movements while in the pose.

To come out of the pose, draw the front knee back and come into a child's pose. You could even sway the hips from side to side. Just take time to receive the posture once it’s complete.