Yoga is the Answer to All Things

I find myself often in situations of being asked for advice. It's part of my role as a yoga instructor. And probably as a mom. And a woman in her 50's and as a divorced woman. I've had a lot of life experience and for whatever the reason, people turn to me for my perspective on things.

And the funny thing is my answer is almost always, yoga. It doesn't even really matter what the questions is. My answer ultimately boils down to "YOGA!"

Student: "My back hurts. What should I do?" Me: YOGA!

Student: "I'm stressed out all the time. What will help?" Me: YOGA!

Student: "I just lost my mother. How can I deal with the grief?" Me: YOGA!

Student: "My relationships a mess and I don't know what to do." Me: YOGA!

I could go on and on with examples but I think I've made my point. Yoga really does help us with pretty much anything that we're going through in our lives whether it be a physical or a mental challenge.

The next time you're feeling at a cross roads and you're not sure what to do, feel free to come ask me for advice. Just be prepared to hear my answer rooted in the principles of yoga. Yoga is my answer to all things.