Yoga: Giving for the Sake of Giving, A Christmas Story

Today's Mindful Monday is a Christmas story that will help bring new meaning to the gift giving ritual of the season. I hope it will give you a fresh perspective not only for the holiday but all year round.

I was at a Christmas concert the other day and in the program was an insert sharing a unique Christmas story by Robbie Bennett. You can see the actual insert below.

The story is about a father and a son. The son is asking the dad if Santa Claus is real. If you’ve every had a child ask you that questions, you know your heart drops.

This dad decided the child was old enough to know the truth. He went on to share with the son that Santa was indeed not a old man with a beard and a red suit. That in fact that Santa Claus was actually a concept.

The dad explained that Santa Clause represented the idea of giving just for the sake of giving.

If you’ve every given a gift to a child that was from “Santa”, you gave that gift without expecting anything in return, not even a thank you. The child getting the gift receives it from Santa and therefore as the parent or adult, you don’t get the thank you. And you don’t expect one.

Instead of a thank you, you get excited to see the joy and the happiness on the child's face when they receive the gift from Santa.

Now, what if you extended this Christmas story beyond the giving of present?

Can you be kind to someone just for the sake of being kind? Can you pay it forward to someone in need with out any attachment to the result?

The father explained to the son that now that he new the truth about Santa Claus, he was charged to go out into the world and to give just for the sake of giving.

It's a wonderful concept to be mindful of during the holiday season. According to the father, we are all entrusted with the responsibility of giving just for the sake of giving. Can you move through the holidays giving presents just for the sake of giving ? Can you find ways to be kind and pay it forward needing nothing in return?

Practice honoring the truth about Santa during the holiday so that you can give all year round.