Yoga Christmas Moment

Take a moment on Christmas to be still... to be quiet... and to breath. Let's connect in today's Mindful Monday on Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy Mindful Monday.

On this Mindful Monday that happens to be Christmas, let’s take a moment to be quiet, to be still, to connect with one another, and just be.

Whatever is going on for you in this moment, I invite you to just stop. Take a pause. It'll only take a moment.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and a slow breath out, and feel the body just settling into a moment of stillness and quiet. Connect to your heartbeat. Feel the breath continuing to flow in and out and just be right here and right now.

Take this still quiet moment to connect to yourself, to find the joy, and the contentment in this present moment right here and right now.

Take a deep breath in through the nose, let out a sigh through the mouth and open your eyes.

Merry Christmas! I hope you have a beautiful, very merry day.