Yoga for the New Year

At the start of the New Year, there are 3 important questions to ask yourself. Take time to meditate, reflect, and journal the answers to these very powerful questions.

1. The first question is what are you celebrating from the year that just passed? What can you celebrate about 2023? Think about the things that you made happen that were amazing, that came out right. What would you like to brag about to the entire world?

I can offer you my own personal example. For me, I want to celebrate writing my first book! It comes out in just a couple weeks. Shedding Shame: Finding Freedom to Live an Authentic Life. (Get the details here) This is a huge accomplishment for me and one that I want to acknowledge and celebrate.

When meditating on your own celebration recognize that it can be big or small. Let it be something that YOU made happen, not something that happened to you.

2. The second question is what are you grateful for? What grace did you experience in 2023? What are you truly grateful for in this moment?

For me, one things I’m grateful for is that my boys have grown into incredible young men and are living really wonderful, beautiful lives.

When journaling your list of gratitudes, include people, places you’ve been, things you have, states of being.

3. The third question is what are your deepest desires? What are your true intentions? As you move into the new year, I encourage you to take a few moments and really get clear about what you want in the new year so you can attract exactly what you want.

When creating this list, let it be long and let the dreams be big. You don’t have to know the hows or the whens at this point. Just dream. Use your imagination to get clear about what you truly want.

An example from my own list of desires for 2024 includes an online meditation course that I want to create. Much of the ground work is done but I want to make it happen this year. Putting this desire out there and sharing it with you gives it energy and power to help it become manifest. It’s a big goal for me and I need all the support I can get to make it happen.

It’s important to take time to get really clear. Meditate on the questions and then WRITE THEM DOWN. The list can evolve and change. This journaling process is just for you. Take the action to be intentional as you move into the new year.