Mindful Yoga Practice - Be In Gratitude

Yoga isn't just about poses on the mat. Yoga is a practice for living life. And in this Mindful Monday I share with you the practice of being in gratitude. Gratitude is all about acknowledging the little moments of grace throughout your day. It doesn't have to be big. Even the smallest moments can be meaningful.

Previously, I introduced the concept of the Yoga Trinity which consists of 3 mindful yoga practices.

The first one is the art of celebrating you. Click here if you missed it.

The second part of the Yoga Trinity is the practice of being in gratitude.

It is important to take time each and every day to acknowledge what you are grateful for. Unlike the celebration which is something that you made happen and something that you get credit for, gratitude is acknowledging the things that happen to you, even the little things. Another way to understand gratitude is by recognizing the moments of grace throughout your day.

You can be grateful for the people in your life, like your family. And you can be grateful for things in your life, like your home or the food on your table. You can even be grateful for a smile that somebody gives you or for someone carrying your groceries to the car, or for someone helping you when your car breaks down.

The act of being grateful is taking the time to recognize the people and the things in your life and even the beautiful acts of kindness you receive.

It’s a great practice to be in gratitude at the beginning of the day or perhaps you take a few moments at the end of the day.

Coming back to the yoga Trinity, first celebrate what you've made happen and then be grateful for those things that happen to you in your life.

Take time to be in gratitude can truly change everything about the way you live your life.