How to Practice Namaste

We've all heard the word Namaste but what does it actually mean. In today's Mindful Monday, I share my perspective on the word and how it can impact how you live your life.

Have you ever really thought about the word Namaste.? I use it at the beginning and the end of every class teach. It’s used as a kind of a greeting. But what does it really mean?

The translation that I use is, "The Divine in me honors and respects the Divine in you and there is no separation between us."

To understand this translation, it’s important to you break this down even further.

The first half of the meaning requires you to first accept that the person that you're saying Namaste to is Divine. You have to believe and accept that they have this spark, this beauty, this perfection within them. And you also have to believe that about yourself. You have to understand that you too are Divine. Sometimes that’s more of the challenge than the former.

When we say we're all connected that means that what I do impacts you and what you do impacts me. We're all parts of a web that's all connected. That's a pretty powerful thing to realize.

As you use the word Namaste moving forward, I encourage you to really think about it’s meaning. Whether it's in a yoga class or just in casual, or even if you're wearing a t-shirt that says Namaste.

Can you live from that place of what it means? Can you embody what the word truly means? Like everything else, it’s a practice.

Namaste 🙏