Yoga and Transitions

Transitions are important in yoga. It's about the journey, not the destination. Both on your mat and also off your mat. In this Mindful Monday, I share with you the value in the transitions so you can bring it to your next yoga practice.

We have lots of transitions in life and they can be practiced in our transitions on our mat.

We often think about being IN the pose - warrior 1, downward facing dog or even a tree pose. But how do we move between those postures? And how do we bring awareness to the journey in between rather than just making it about being in the pose?

There's a lovely transition in chair yoga between Downward Facing Dog into Warrior 1.

Step one foot forward and and with the front foot root down to the Earth. Then slowly begin to rise up and feel the strength and the balance and the challenge all the way up until you get to Warrior 1.

It's not about just being IN the postures. The journey and the process along the way to get up into your Warrior 1 are valuable moments of the practice not to be missed..

This is true in between any postures. Next time you're on your mat, pay attention to the transitions. Notice what happens between the poses and you're going to maximize your practice. You can find more joy and attention in your practice.

And then practice transitions in your life. Rather than focused on the next thing, be present in the transitions as well.