Pigeon Pose to Open the Hips from a Chair

Pigeon Pose (aka Kapotasana) is a wonderful posture for opening the hips. But in it’s traditional form, it can create pain and discomfort for many. Especially if you have knee or hip issues. It can also be a challenge if it’s difficult to get down to the floor and get back up again. This video shares an alternative way to do pigeon pose from a chair so that you can still receive the benefits without the discomfort.

Sit to the front edge of a chair. Take one ankle and place it on the opposite knee. You might notice that you are creating the similar shape to traditional pigeon pose and the figure four variation from the back.

Once comfortable, allow the knee to begin to soften down to the floor releasing tension from the hip and outer thigh.

Slowly hinge forward at the hips, sending the chest forward, until you feel the right stretch for you in your body. By moving the upper body forward and back you can regulate how deep you go into the pose.

While in the pose, take deep breaths, feel the sensations, and settle in to the pose.

You could sway the knees from side to side. You could massage your foot while in the pose. Find movements that help you to relax and feel good in the pose.

When you're done, bring the foot back to the floor and take a few moments to receive the gifts from the posture.

When you’re ready be sure to do the other leg and come back to this pose whenever you need some release.