Yoga for Opening the Heart

This pose, when done properly, is great for opening the chest and therefore the heart. In this video, I help you do the bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) correctly to receive this intended benefit.

This pose is done on the floor, on your back.our back.

Start with the feet parallel and close into the body. Walk the heels towards your sitz bones. The arms are by your side with the palms down. The back of the head is grounded to the floor.

Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, root the feet down towards the earth and lift the hips up to the ceiling.

Not only do you want to lift the hips but do your best to lift the chest up. Bring your awareness to your chest since this is a heart opening pose. Notice the chest opening and the heart expanding.

Each time you practice, work to lift the hips and the chest higher.

Since this is called bridge pose, imagine the shape of an actual bridge and notice it’s rounded on both sides unlike a plank which is straight. Practice creating that same shape in your body by not only lifting the hips but also the chest.

The next time you're in a bridge pose, bring awareness to the chest and notice how it feels to really lift up not only through the hips but also the chest. See if you can feel that sense of your chest opening, of your heart softening, and notice how it feels in your own body.