How to Meditate without Falling Asleep

Do you try to meditate but wind up falling asleep? This video will provide a tip for how to meditate and stay awake when you meditate so you can receive all the amazing benefits of a regular meditation practice.

Students tell me all the time that they can't meditate because they wind up falling asleep.

Perhaps this has happened to you!

One trick to not falling asleep during meditation is to keep the spine really long. When you sit up really tall, you get a greater sense of alertness in the body.

Many chairs and couches you find at home are shaped in a way that you are forced to slump down. That relaxed position will increase your chance of falling asleep.

A solution you can try requires a block or even a throw pillow or a rolled up a blanket.

While sitting in your chair, place the support behind you helping you to sit up straight and tall

You’ll notice that you can still lean back and be comfortable and relaxed but the support helps you to keep the length in your spine. Now when you close your eyes and be still you’re less likely to fall asleep.

Take time to make yourself comfortable. Take a blanket and place it over your lap, for example.

Do whatever you can to feel really comfortable in your body so that you can sit quietly and still for the moments that you take to meditate but alert enough to not fall asleep.

Meditation is such an incredible practice that offers important benefits like stress relief and a sense of calm, it’s worth experimenting with your sitting position so that you don’t fall asleep and can achieve it’s benefits.