Yoga for Mobility and Balance | Thigh Stretch

The thigh muscle is extremely important to maintain mobility. Learn how to do this stretch safely and effectively. If this variation is too challenging, stay tuned for other gentle variations.

The thigh muscle, also known as the quadricep, located in the front of your legs, is really important to keep flexible, especially as we age. This muscle helps you to stay mobile because it’s necessary to walk and to run and do many of the activities life demands.

Todays’ variation is the most challenging, it’s the full expression of this pose.

One of the factors that makes this variation challenging is because it requires you to stand on one leg which adds the element of balance.

To do this posture put all your weight on one leg using a wall or chair for balance. Bend the knee of the other leg. Reach behind with the same hand to grab the ankle. Then take a moment to stand up really tall. (If you can’t reach your ankle, use a strap or a towel around your foot to lengthen your arm to you can keep the foot up).

It’s important that you have the knee come back as much as you can, but without arching the back. You want to keep the tailbone tucked under and the knee pointed down.

You can make this variation even more challenging by practicing it with balance by taking your hand away from the wall or chair. Do your best to maintain balance safely.

Practice staying strong and mindful in the pose for as long as it feels good to you so that you get that nice stretch in your thigh.

Mindfully release the foot back to the floor.

Take a few moments to bring awareness to the sensations when the posture is complete. Then be sure to do the same stretch on the other leg.