Yoga Tip for Grounding in Warrior 1

Warrior 1 is all about feeling grounded and strong. Here's a practical tip for where to position your feet to help you feel grounded and balanced in the pose.

Warrior 1 (aka Virabhadrasana I in sanskrit) is intended to be a very strong, grounding posture. And yet sometimes we feel very off balance. A way to really illicit this grounding sensation in your body in this posture is to focus on having even weight in both feet.

In Warrior 1, one foot is forward on the mat and the other foot is further back. You want to ground the back heel to the mat, keeping that leg straight, and bend the front knee while keeping your hips and shoulders square to the front of the mat.

As you settle in to the pose, keep even weight in both feet. Your stance might be closer together or a little wider but you want to be mindful that you're not either leaning forward into that front foot or leaning back too much into that back foot.

Feel for the center of gravity in your pelvis down into the Earth. Feel the incredible grounding, strong sensation you can get in Warrior 1.

Next time you're in this posture, bring some awareness to where your center of gravity is. Find your balance and see if you can find that sweet spot right in the middle.