Pigeon Pose to Open the Hips from a Chair

Pigeon Pose to Open the Hips from a Chair

Pigeon Pose (aka Kapotasana) is a wonderful posture for opening the hips. But in it’s traditional form, it can create pain and discomfort for many. Especially if you have knee or hip issues. It can also be a challenge if it’s difficult to get down to the floor and get back up again. This video shares an alternative way to do pigeon pose from a chair so that you can still receive the benefits without the discomfort.

Yoga for Everyday Life

Yoga for Everyday Life

Yoga is about so much more than just physical postures. It's actually a practice that is intended to be lived every day. It's a practice of mindfulness both on and off the mat.

After watching this video that's part of my Mindful Monday Series, try yoga off the mat the next time your at work, or washing the dishes, or have lunch with a friend. This is when yoga truly transforms your life.

Yoga for Your Feet

Yoga for Your Feet

Making time to specifically exercise your feet is crucial for long lasting mobility. Your feet are your foundation and without strong, flexible feet you risk your balance and stability. Try these exercises as part of my Mindful Monday Series to create strong and flexible feet to improve your balance and stability.